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121109 - Director of finance

Taking into account the structure and characteristics of the company's activities, prepares the financial policy, evaluates the company's strategic plans from a financial point of view, ensures the correct and timely submission of financial documents and reports to tax and audit institutions. The representative of this occupation is also the deputy manager.

Main activities

* organize planning and analysis of the company's financial activities;
* evaluate the company's financial position, analyze financial flows, investment opportunities and associated risks;
* manage the company's financial operations and ensure the rational organization of the company's and its departments' financial accounting and settlements;
* analyze legal acts regulating financial accounting and ensure high-quality preparation of financial reports for tax and audit institutions;
* organize the work of the finance department's employees and sets annual work tasks;
* collaborate with the heads of all the company's structural units and prepare and provides the necessary information to the general director, department and division managers.

Characteristic competences

* analyze financial market trends;
* ensure the implementation of financial policies;
* analyze the company's financial activities;
* prepare financial reports;
* consult on financial issues;
* collaborate with managers.

Versija: 2023
Pagrindinės grupės kodas: 1
Sub-major groups code: 12
Minor group code: 121
Unit group code: 1211