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134301 - Director of elderly care and social services institution

Manages an institution for the care and provision of social services for the elderly and is responsible for strategic decision-making and proper and qualified organization of elderly care and high service quality.

Main activities

* plans, organizes and manages the activities of the institution for elderly care and social services, sets activity goals and activity assessment criteria;
* ensures the provision of high-quality care and social services for the elderly and ensures compliance with legal acts, medical norms and principles of ethics in health care;
* organizes and evaluates staff work and ensures that tasks are performed on time and effectively and meet all requirements and procedures;
* cooperates with health promotion and support service providers, services and financing institutions and other health care departments to coordinate service provision;
* manages the activity budget and ensures expense control;
* represents the organization in negotiations, events and public project discussions.

Characteristic competences

* establish organizational policy;
* review the social service plan;
* manage the budget;
* carry out staff management activities;
* monitor compliance with social service laws;
* influence policy makers on social service issues.

Versija: 2023
Pagrindinės grupės kodas: 1
Sub-major groups code: 13
Minor group code: 134
Unit group code: 1343