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422702 - Interviewer

A specialist who conducts research and surveys to collect information from people or organizations, using certain research and survey methods. This can be representative surveys, qualitative research, or one-time surveys.

Main activities

* collect quantitative or qualitative information that can be used in preparing reports and evaluating various processes;
* conduct research that collects qualitative data, this can be interviews, group discussions, observation methods, and other research methods;
* appropriately process collected data to be able to perform analysis and prepare reports;
* analyze collected data based on statistical methods and calculations to obtain objective results;
* prepare a report that provides information about research results, conclusions, and recommendations.

Characteristic competences

* collect and analyze information;
* good communication and interpersonal skills;
* plan and organize work;
* analytical and critical thinking;
* conduct market research and critically evaluate the data obtained;
* knowledge of market research methodologies and statistical analysis.

Versija: 2023
Pagrindinės grupės kodas: 4
Sub-major groups code: 42
Minor group code: 422
Unit group code: 4227