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432112 - Parcel (goods) sorter

Sorts and neatly stacks received shipments so that they can be safely transported or stored in warehouses. Shipments are sorted according to different criteria, such as size, weight, price or destination.

Main activities

• sorts shipments and goods according to instructions or criteria, such as size, weight, price or purpose;
• enters information about shipments into a computer system where it is possible to track their transportation and storage location;
• neatly stores and packs shipments so that they can be easily found and stored;
• transports parcels and goods from one place to another using means of transport such as cars or ferries;
• interacts with customers when receiving and shipping shipments, answers questions or explains delivery information.

Characteristic competences

• be neat and organized; 
• have good communication and interpersonal skills;
• pack goods and assess their quality;
• use spreadsheets and storage software;
• read orders and understand product names and coding.

Versija: 2023
Pagrindinės grupės kodas: 4
Sub-major groups code: 43
Minor group code: 432
Unit group code: 4321