516408 - Cynologist
Teaches dogs to obey commands, to achieve desired behavior, or to develop skills necessary for a specific job, activity, competitions. Prepare dogs for service in the police, border protection, etc.
Main activities
* work with different dog breeds, genders, and also take into account the temperament and behavior of dogs;
* train dogs for various purposes, e.g. dog sports events, dogs for police, defense, rehabilitation, hunting purposes, etc.;
* consult owners about their dogs' behavior, care, feeding, and provides recommendations;
* help dog owners cope with specific behavioral difficulties, such as aggression, fears or muteness;
* observe dog behavior and evaluate it to determine what behavioral improvements are needed.
Characteristic competences
* behave ethically with animals;
* understand dog behavior and psychology;
* communicate and interact with clients;
* know about animal species, behavior, nutrition, and health;
* create and implement individual dog training plans;
* accustom animals and individuals to work together.