516490 - Other Animal (pet) hygiene and care workers
Other animal (pet) hygiene and care workers are classified here, who are not listed under 5164 „Animal (pet) hygiene and care workers“ and who feed, care for, train, and supervise animals, assist veterinarians, veterinary technicians and felchers in veterinary clinics, animal shelters, breeding establishments and hotels, zoos, etc.
Main activities
* feed animals according to recommended food and drink amounts;
* ensure animal hygiene, take care of their accommodation and cleanliness of premises daily, brush or trim fur;
* maintain animal health status by monitoring their behavior, temperature, respiration and other important parameters, and report any unusual animal behavior or symptoms to the veterinary doctor;
* observe animal behavior and evaluate it to determine what behavioral improvements are needed;
* maintain good relationships with animal owners, provide them with consultations and recommendations on animal care.
Characteristic competences
* behave ethically with animals;
* know animal species, behavior, nutrition and health;
* ensure daily hygiene of animals;
* maintain animal health status;
* perform necessary medical procedures;
* consult owners on animal care issues.