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821204 - Electronic equipment assembler

Assembles, arranges, tests, and configures electronic equipment. Uses manual and automatic tools, follows diagrams and instructions to ensure the device operates properly and efficiently.

Main activities

* assemble and connect electronic components, guided by diagrams, technical specifications, and instructions;
* use manual and automatic tools such as bending and bending tools, electronic components handling racks, bending machines, bulbs and sliding handling tapes;
* check, test, and adjust electronic equipment to ensure quality control;
* adjust electronic components and arrange electronic equipment;
* ensure that there are always enough electronic equipment details on the assembly production line and the production process is continuous.

Characteristic competences

* have technical and practical knowledge about electronics and electronic components;
* read diagrams and technical instructions;
* use manual and automatic tools;
* carry out electronic equipment details assembly processes accurately and consistently;
* ensure that work is done on time and quality;
* follow work safety rules.

Versija: 2023
Pagrindinės grupės kodas: 8
Sub-major groups code: 82
Minor group code: 821
Unit group code: 8212