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821903 - Rubber products assembler

Assembles and mounts various products made of rubber. Uses hand and electric tools to cut, shape, and connect various parts into one whole. Performs quality control of products.

Main activities

* select the materials and tools necessary for assembly, according to provided specifications;
* monitor and control the assembly process in accordance with technological requirements and instructions;
* connect or assemble parts of the rubber product, using various technologies, and performs quality control;
* shape various rubber products using various molding methods, such as molding machines or manual molding tools;
* perform simple manufacturing equipment repairs and maintenance work;
* comply with work safety rules.

Characteristic competences

* analyze drawings and technical designs;
* work with various production equipment and tools;
* assemble rubber products and their parts.
comply with technological instructions, established procedures, and requirements;
* ensure that work is done on time and with quality.

Versija: 2023
Pagrindinės grupės kodas: 8
Sub-major groups code: 82
Minor group code: 821
Unit group code: 8219