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- Sports coaches, instructors and officials

Sports coaches, instructors and officials work with amateur and professional sportspersons to enhance performance, encourage greater participation in sport, and organize and officiate in sporting events according to established rules.
(a)     Tasks include -
identifying strengths and weaknesses of athletes or teams;
planning, developing and implementing training and practice sessions;
developing, planning and co-ordinating competitive schedules and programs;
motivating and preparing athletes or teams for competitive events or games;
formulating competitive strategy, developing game plans and directing athletes and players during games or athletic events;
analysing and evaluating athletes' or teams' performances and modifying training programs;
monitoring and analysing technique and performance, and determining how future improvements can be made;
officiating at sporting events or athletic competitions to maintain standards of play and to ensure that game rules and safety regulations are observed;
recording lapsed time and keeping score during events or competitions;
judging the performance of competitors, awarding points, imposing penalties for infractions and determining results;
compiling scores and other athletic records.

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