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111101 - Parliament member

Members of the parliament represent the residents and the interests of their political parties in the parliament. They define and establish the directions of the state policy, prepare, adopt, amend or revoke laws and other legal acts.

Main activities

* participate in the sessions of the parliament;
* vote on all issues discussed in the sessions of the parliament, committee, and commission, of which they are a member;
* prepare and present drafts of laws and other legal acts to be considered by the parliament, as well as propose laws that must be considered by the parliament;
* participate in all sessions of the parliament's committees and commissions, as well as in the government sessions where their questions are discussed, and submit proposals, comments, and amendments orally and in writing on all issues under discussion;
* together with other members of the parliament, they propose a draft law to amend the Constitution, initiate impeachment, initiate motions of no confidence and interpellation procedures, call for an extraordinary session of the parliament, and appeal to the Constitutional Court.

Characteristic competences

* lead the implementation of public policy;
* prepare proposals for legal acts;
* make legislative decisions;
* analyze existing legal acts;
* conduct negotiations and engage in discussions.

Versija: 2023
Pagrindinės grupės kodas: 1
Sub-major groups code: 11
Minor group code: 111
Unit group code: 1111