211303 - Petroleum refining chemist
Applies scientific knowledge of chemistry, seeks to gain new knowledge, uses it in the petroleum processing industry, and controls the quality and processes of petroleum processing. Collects samples and data, performs analysis programs, identifies environmental pollutants and their quantities.
Main activities
* investigate and analyze the properties of crude oil and its products, use chemical methods to ensure the quality of petroleum products;
* control the petroleum processing process, implement innovations in the petroleum processing process;
* search for new catalysts to improve the quality of petroleum products, analyze and apply them to the processing process;
* optimize the petroleum processing process, reduce costs and duration;
* perform fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of petroleum processing, collaborate with specialists from other fields;
* analyze the functioning and results of information systems, determine their objectives, structure, and services, procedures and operations, in accordance with the requirements of the end-users.
Characteristic competences
* ensure petroleum product quality;
* control the petroleum processing process;
* optimize the petroleum processing process;
* conduct scientific research;
* analyze the operation of information systems.