211390 - Other chemists
Here, other chemists classified that are not listed in the 2113 „Chemists“ subgroup and perform scientific research, create, prepare, and improve concepts, theories, and methods or apply scientific knowledge of chemistry in production, aiming to acquire new knowledge, create products, and control their quality and processes.
Main activities
* perform chemical science research, create concepts, theories, improve various methods;
* analyze experimental work, trials, and analyze them, investigate the chemical composition of various raw materials and products of natural or synthetic materials, and their energy and chemical changes;
* examine the impact on the environment, develop quality control methods and procedures for manufacturers and users;
* use microorganisms to combine materials into new mixtures;
* recreate natural materials and create new artificial materials.
Characteristic competences
* improve various methods;
* analyze experimental work;
* examine the impact on the environment;
* use microorganisms;
* create new artificial materials.