213108 - Geneticist
Investigates and conducts scientific research on genetics, how genes interact, function, and inherit traits and characteristics. Cares for patients with hereditary diseases, those who have inherited certain genetic health conditions and have congenital deformities, examines issues related to genetics.
Main activities
* conduct scientific research, investigate genetic changes in human population, reasons for changes, investigate interaction between genes and the environment in diseases and chromosome abnormalities, the influence of genes on behavior;
* conduct research in a laboratory, obtains reliable and accurate data, validate scientific research;
* perform diagnostic tests and biochemical genetic, cytogenetic and molecular genetic analyses, interpret the received laboratory data;
* prepare scientific research documents or give reports on the results of the research and analysis, indicate analysis procedures and methods, how the results were obtained and explains them;
* share scientific research data with the public, disseminate public knowledge, scientific assessment and understanding, promote the use of scientific results in the opinion-forming process.
Characteristic competences
* conduct medical genetics research;
* perform laboratory tests;
* explain laboratory medical genetics data;
* present analysis results;
* publicize scientific research results.