213126 - Biotechnologist
Uses scientific methods in genetic engineering, studies living biological organisms, their systems and processes, creates new types of drugs, vitamins and other products, improves the properties of plants and animals to make them more resistant to adverse climatic conditions, pests and diseases.
Main activities
• performs laboratory and field scientific research work, expands scientific knowledge about living organisms, tests hypotheses, solves various problems in the fields of environmental protection, agriculture and health care;
• develops new pharmaceutical, agricultural and environmental protection methods, processes and products;
• prepares experiments and conducts tests;
• collects data on human, animal, insect and plant samples, studies their origin, development, chemical and physical form, structure, composition and life and reproduction processes;
• prepares scientific articles and reports, provides information about scientific research works and new research results, publishes them in scientific journals or conferences.
Characteristic competences
• perform scientific research works;
• create new pharmaceutical, agricultural and environmental protection products;
• perform tests;
• collect sample data;
• prepare scientific articles and reports.