213190 - Other biologists, botanists, zoologists and related professionals
Here are classified other biologists, botanists, zoologists and related professionals who are not listed in the 2131 subgroup „Biologists, botanists, zoologists and related professionals“ and who study living organisms and their interactions, as well as their interaction with the environment, apply this knowledge to solve human health and environmental protection problems.
Main activities
* perform scientific research, disseminate scientific knowledge about living organisms, obtain new information, test hypotheses, solve problems in the fields of environmental protection, agriculture and health care, create new products for pharmacy, agriculture and environmental protection;
* study living organisms, use various specialized equipment, tools, technologies, electron microscopes and global positioning system;
* analyze biotechnology, satellite images, genetic engineering digital images, polymer chain reaction;
* identify, classify and monitor living organisms, record data in databases;
* prepare and perform environmental impact assessment, identify changes caused by natural and human factors.
Characteristic competences
* conduct scientific research;
* use various specialized equipment;
* analyze digital images of biotechnologies;
* record data in databases;
* conduct environmental impact assessments.