213201 - Agronomist
Advises companies, agricultural cooperatives, growers of agronomic crops and horticultural cultures on issues related to the cultivation of food crops. They study the science, technology and business related to growing plants, check crops and conduct experiments, improve crop yield and farm production. They examine the most effective methods of crop harvesting and cultivation.
Main activities
* use information systems and databases, plan and manage agricultural enterprises and production;
* ensure compliance with hygiene procedures in agriculture;
* investigate and plan crop cultivation procedures, increase productivity;
* communicate with business clients, present new ideas, receive feedback and find problem solutions;
* prepare work reports, use high standards of documentation and record keeping, present results and conclusions in a way understandable to a non-expert group.
Characteristic competences
* use agricultural information systems and databases;
* oversee hygiene procedures on the farm;
* study the increase in crop yield;
* consult with business clients;
* prepare work reports.