214109 - Glass production technologist
Investigates and advises, designs and improves, and oversees the processes and equipment for the production of glass products and glassware. Conducts scientific research, designs and improves the production processes and equipment of the glass industry. Advises employers, employees or clients on issues related to glass production.
Main activities
* organize glass production processes, control the working hours of employees who produce glass and its products, create work schedules, distribute work and supervise;
* monitor innovations in glass production, technological trends and implement them in company operations;
* ensure quality control of glass products and produced goods, ensure safety at workplaces;
* provide technical consultations to employees of other departments who create or sell glass products;
* order and ensure the supply of raw materials, so that they do not run out for employees who produce glass products.
Characteristic competences
* organize glass production processes;
* monitor innovations in glass production;
* ensure quality control of glass products;
* provide technical consultations;
* ensure raw material orders.