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214390 - Other Environmental engineers

Performs scientific research, uses knowledge of various engineering subjects, leads and prepares decisions, halts, controls or corrects the negative impact of human activity on the environment and consults on these issues. Performs environmental protection assessment of construction and civil engineering projects, applies engineering principles in pollution control, waste recycling and disposal areas.

Main activities

* conduct scientific research, evaluate the environmental impact of construction and other activities and submits reports;
* create and supervise systems, processes and equipment to control and manage water, air or soil quality;
* provide assistance in environmental engineering, plan or check the development of databases;
* obtain and update plans, permits and standard operating procedures and oversee their compliance;
* consult companies and government agencies about pollutant cleaning procedures, clean polluted areas.

Characteristic competences

* conduct scientific research;
* create systems for controlling water, air or soil quality;
* check database development;
* update plans;
* consult about pollutant cleaning procedures.

Versija: 2023
Pagrindinės grupės kodas: 2
Sub-major groups code: 21
Minor group code: 214
Unit group code: 2143