214410 - Shipbuilding engineer
Creates various types of ships, leads the preparation of shipbuilding and selected equipment installation plans and estimates, supervises the execution of construction, installation and quality control works. Maintains technical construction conditions and standards requirements, ensures the quality of work performed, the safety of ship operation.
Main activities
* plan construction works of various types of ships, organize and control the selection and installation of machinery and equipment;
* design ship systems, heating and ventilation systems, other mechanical devices, organize and supervise their construction works;
* design ship hulls and other main parts of ships, organize and control construction works;
* design and install electronic devices used on ships;
* prepare quality control standards and procedures for built ships and apply the detection and elimination of faults recorded during shipbuilding.
Characteristic competences
* plan construction works of various types of ships;
* design ship systems;
* organize and control construction works;
* design and install electronic devices used on ships;
* prepare quality control standards and procedures for built ships.