214424 - Marine engineer
Monitors and repairs various types of sea vessels, their parts and marine technology. Controls the installation, maintenance and repair of main sea vessel engines and their mechanisms. Plans and organizes major repair works, provides technical assistance to ship designers and builders, ensures the safety of ship equipment.
Main activities
* install, maintain and repair main sea vessel engines and their mechanisms and storage technology;
* monitor the data of automatic data recording equipment, register in ship logs, make various corrections;
* ensure continuous main engine maintenance, plan and organize necessary repair works;
* plan, organize and monitor major repair works when the ship is in port;
* manage technical staff monitoring the ship, ensure the safety of ship equipment.
Characteristic competences
* repair main sea vessel engines;
* monitor the data of automatic data recording equipment;
* ensure continuous main engine maintenance;
* monitor major repair works;
* ensure the safety of ship equipment.