214490 - Other Mechanical engineers
Here are classified other mechanical engineers who are not named in the 2144 „Mechanical engineers“ subgroup and carry out scientific research, design machinery, ships, mechanisms and systems production, manage it and consult on these issues, also for their technical maintenance and repair, examine certain materials, products or processes technological aspects and consult on these issues.
Main activities
* design machines and devices used in production, mining, construction, agriculture and consulting on these issues;
* design steam engines, internal combustion engines and other non-electric engines used in road transport vehicles and other mechanisms and consulting on these issues;
* design ship hulls, mechanical devices and equipment, heating, ventilation and cooling systems and other mechanical devices and consult on these issues;
* ensure equipment operation and maintenance, compliance with technical conditions and safety standards;
* establish control standards and procedures, ensure effective operation and safety of machines, mechanisms, tools, engines, industrial facilities, equipment or systems.
Characteristic competences
* design machines and devices;
* design steam engines;
* design ship hulls;
* ensure equipment operation and maintenance;
* establish control standards and procedures.