223090 - Other Traditional and complementary medicine
This category includes other traditional and folk medicine specialists who are not listed in the 2230 sub-group „Traditional and complementary medicine“ and who examine patients, conduct disease and other physical and mental disability prevention and try to overcome them, improve overall human health, apply practice acquired from in-depth examination of specific cultural theories, beliefs and experience.
Main activities
* examines patients, determines their health condition;
* develops and implements disease overcoming plans, uses acupuncture, homeopathic and herbal preparations;
* evaluates patient recovery and records in documents;
* consults individuals on nutrition and lifestyle issues;
* prepares traditional preparations such as herbal, plant, and animal extracts, enhances the body's ability to heal itself.
Characteristic competences
* inform health care workers about patient health;
* ensure continuous and comprehensive health care;
* study traditional and folk preparations and disease overcoming methods;
* prepare scientific articles and reports;
* perform dissemination of results.