225002 - Researcher {Veterinary}
Performs fundamental research and experimental development, participates in national and international science programs and projects, publishes scientific activity results to the public in national and foreign science journals and other publications, presents them at scientific conferences, leads a group of scientists, uniting researchers to solve a major scientific practical problem.
Main activities
* performs scientific research, seeks to better understand animal health and diseases;
* explores disease mechanisms and vaccines, better understands the physiology and behavior of certain species of animals;
* helps prevent the onset of diseases, ensures that livestock industry products are of high quality and safe for consumers;
* performs research on how vaccines and drugs work in animal organisms;
* performs complex research, analyzes data and summarizes results.
Characteristic competences
* plan and conduct scientific research;
* analyze data and summarize it;
* write and submit scientific articles;
* continue their scientific research studies;
* engage in the latest scientific discoveries.