226202 - Researcher {Pharmacy}
Conducts scientific research, carries out applied scientific activity. Publishes the results of his scientific research and applied scientific activity in national and foreign scientific journals, periodicals and other publications, presents them at scientific conferences. Guides scientific research, a group of scientists, uniting researchers to solve a major scientific or practical problem requiring scientific knowledge.
Main activities
* curate the drug development process from idea to commerce;
* perform chemical and biological studies, create new drugs;
* work with other scientists, evaluate the safety and effectiveness of drugs;
* compose the formula of drugs and check their compatibility with other drugs or food products;
* investigate the impact of drugs on human health and evaluate clinical trial data during the study.
Characteristic competences
* create new drugs;
* get acquainted with pharmacy theory and methods;
* plan research;
* analyze and summarize data;
* collaborate with colleagues and patients.