226590 - Other Dieticians and nutritionists
Other dietitians and nutrition specialists classified here are not listed in the 2265 subgroup 'Dietitians and nutrition specialists' and who assess certain general nutritional needs of people or individual persons throughout their lives and turn this knowledge into consultations, helping to maintain people's health, reduce health risks or restore their health.
Main activities
* consult individuals and communities on nutrition, its planning and food preparation issues;
* reduce potential health risks;
* supervise food preparation and delivery, monitor the amount and quality of food consumed;
* collect individuals and community health status and nutrition data and evaluate according to the nutritional value of the served or consumed food;
* consult with other health specialists, satisfy patients' diet and nutrition needs.
Characteristic competences
* prepare and evaluate food and dietary products;
* meet nutritional requirements;
* perform nutrition science research;
* present results at scientific conferences;
* evaluate the impact of nutrition programs.