226790 - Other optometry specialists
Here are classified other optometry specialists who are not listed in the 2267 subgroup 'Optometry Specialists' and who provide, diagnose, manage and treat eye and vision system disorders. Consult on eye care issues and when there are vision disorders, prescribe vision improvement measures or other treatment methods.
Main activities
* perform diagnostic tests, identify vision problems and the nature and extent of pathologies;
* examine vision functions with special tools, measure visual acuity;
* identify eye diseases, diagnose and manage, prescribe medications to treat eye diseases;
* consult with ophthalmologist doctors, refer patients to them;
* identify eye movement disorders, plan and manage treatment programs.
Characteristic competences
* prescribe vision correction measures;
* check the operation, safety and suitability of optical devices for lifestyle;
* consult on contact lens care issues;
* consult older people on vision care issues;
* plan and manage treatment programs.