241206 - Pension consultant
Provides personal information about the types of social insurance pensions and the terms of their award, calculation and payment, pension accumulation funds, seniority, benefits, introduces the specifics of life insurance services.
Main activities
• follows changes in the laws of the pension system, communicates clearly and comprehensibly with clients;
• understands the client's needs, advises individuals on the procedure for granting old-age pension;
• provides information on the required insurance experience, advises on the conditions for receiving an early old-age pension;
• provides information on the procedure for payment of appointed pensions and informs about pension accumulation funds;
• understands the specifics of life insurance services and introduces investment opportunities in the financial markets.
Characteristic competences
• to advise persons on the procedure for awarding old-age pensions;
• provide information about the required insurance experience;
• advise on the conditions for receiving an early retirement pension;
• to provide information on the procedure for payment of assigned pensions;
• inform about pension accumulation funds.