252914 - Ict resilience manager
Examines, plans and develops models, policies, methods, techniques and tools to help increase an organization's cyber security, resilience and disaster recovery.
Main activities
• examines the external and internal environment of the organization, determines its advantages and disadvantages, is based on corporate strategies and further planning
• examines the contribution of work processes to the achievement of business objectives and monitors their effectiveness and performance
• performs security testing according to industry-accepted methods and protocols, identifies and analyzes potential vulnerabilities
• organizes and conducts audits, assesses information and communication technology systems, compliance of system components with requirements, information processing systems and information security
• ensures that legislation governing a particular activity is properly notified and complies with its rules, policies and legislation
Characteristic competences
• analyze the organization's information and communication technology environment
• analyze operational processes
• perform ICT security testing
• perform information and communication technology audits
• comply with legal provisions