263407 - Researcher {psychology}
Performs scientific research, carries out applied scientific activity. Publishes the results of his scientific research and applied scientific activity in national and foreign scientific journals, periodicals and other publications, presents them at scientific conferences. Manages scientific research, a group of scientists, uniting researchers to solve a large scientific or practical problem requiring scientific knowledge.
Main activities
* carry out investigative work in the field of psychology, prepare and publish scientific articles and reports;
* organize interdisciplinary consultations and participate in them, improve theories, models and methods of explaining human behavior;
* create theories and concepts of psychology, their theoretical and empirical substantiation;
* publish works popularizing the science of psychology;
* lead the activities of specialists working in other directions of psychological science.
Characteristic competences
* perform scientific research;
* organize interdisciplinary consultations;
* create concepts of psychology;
* publish works popularizing the science of psychology;
* manage the work of active specialists.