265290 - Other Musicians, singers and composers
Other musicians, singers and composers are classified here who are not listed in the 2652 subgroup „Musicians, singers and composers“ and who write, arrange musical compositions, conduct and perform musical works.
Main activities
* organize events and collaborate with other folklore collectives and organizations;
* support and encourage the participation of collective members in various competitions and events;
* direct, plan, and organize the collective's repertoires and performances;
* regularly and intensively learn to improve their musical skills, acquire new techniques, and deepen their musical understanding;
* collaborate with other folklore collectives and cultural institutions.
Characteristic competences
* musical intuition and aural sensitivity;
* communicate and work with other music specialists, such as singers, instrumentalists, etc.;
* understand musical theory, harmony, and musical forms;
* prepare and present concerts, events;
* communicate and collaborate with team members.