311205 - Geotechnical technician
Evaluates soil properties, foundation strength, designs shallow pole foundations, retaining walls, anchors and other geotechnical structures. Supervises the collection of samples and the performance of measurements, applies geotechnical research methods and techniques, models mechanical properties of deformation and contributes to model creation.
Main activities
* understand geotechnical processes, technologies, materials, and products;
* identify geotechnical problems, assess the geotechnical parameters necessary for design;
* test soil and rocks, determine the basic physical-mechanical properties of soil and rocks, apply design methods to solve geotechnical problems;
* create and apply geotechnical research and testing methods, design various geotechnical structures;
* operate and supervise geotechnical structures.
Characteristic competences
* understand geotechnical processes;
* identify geotechnical problems;
* test soil and rocks;
* design various geotechnical structures;
* supervise geotechnical structures.