311906 - Standardization technician
Organizes, enhances and develops standardization in a certain business area, ensures the compliance of products and services with certain standards and requirements.
Main activities
* collect and analyze standardization information, including national and international standards, regulations, technical requirements, norms, guidelines and other documents related to the compliance of products and services with standards;
* plan, organize and control the application of standards, oversee the operation of quality management systems and prepare reports on their performance;
* ensure compliance of products and services with standards, including their quality, safety and effectiveness;
* recommend standards and reviews them, guided by the latest information and technologies;
* consult company employees on standardization issues, provide information and training, prepare documents and reports, oversee the application of standards and solve problems.
Characteristic competences
* collect and analyze standardization information;
* organize and control the application of standards;
* oversee the operation of quality management systems;
* perform standard review;
* consult on standardization issues.